Saturday, May 9, 2009

Marley's Banquet

We had so much at Marley's rugby banquet, it was great meeting all the other parents from the club and seeing good friends. Marley received the MVP for his team, U10's. We are so proud of him, he worked and played so hard for his team throughout the season. He's really looking forward to the next season, especially summer practice and rugby camp. All of the young men worked hard and it was really nice to have this banquet for them. There were lots of highlights to watch and good food to eat. We had a blast!

Way to go son!!!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009


I finally had a three hour long conversation with my BFF Doris. We last spoke in December before she had her little girl. I miss her so much, I miss home..Doris and I have seen a lot and been through so much. We made plans for this summer, so I'm pretty excited..I cant wait to meet her little chubby angel! I'm hoping that June doesn't get too busy for me, so that I can plan a road trip to see her.


•This is an old pic. of us (Feb. 04)•